5 types of men, acquaintance with whom has no future

Ksenia Lebedeva

By education – a school psychologist. Work experience in the field of copywriting for over 5 years. For me, copywriting is an art.

Margarita Lopukhova

– Margarita Lopukhova

Family psychologist. For 8 years now I have been saving “family units” from disintegration. I help couples to find love and understanding again.

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sad guy and girl

Girls like reliable, confident men with an adequate sense of humor – that s a fact. However, there are several categories of guys that are best not to meet at all. Of course, everyone has individual preferences for men. Yes, and at the time of acquaintance, it is difficult to recognize certain “cockroaches” in a person s head. However, on the first date, you can understand that this is exactly the type from which you need to run, “dropping your sneakers.” Let s figure out which relationships with which men have no future.

The content of the article

  • 1 Who you definitely shouldn t deal with

Who you definitely shouldn t deal withi

  • Jealous. Such guys are always visible a mile away. Already on the first date, they begin to “download the rights” and tell how categorically they relate to the fact that their girlfriend communicated with someone else. And God forbid this someone will be male. And if you, God forbid, take a fleeting glance at another guy during a date, your companion s eyes will literally turn red.
  • Married. A mark from a ring on a finger or a voluntary admission that a guy is married is an obvious sign that communication should be interrupted. Promises to leave your wife for you, to drop everything and drive off into a happy sunset are nothing more than lies. Do not let anyone feed you “breakfast” and do not humiliate yourself in order to date a married person. You deserve so much more.
  • Sissy. These are also easy to figure out. A man needs mom s approval for any action. By far, love between mother and son is the strongest feeling that can be. However, in adulthood, it is time to fly away from the parental nest and learn to make decisions on your own.
boy and girl fight

  • Whiner. The man is moping, everything is bad for him, he does not like absolutely everything – from the weather conditions and the air temperature to the color of the cup in which you ordered coffee in a street stall. Such people often speak impartially about their former companions, always clarifying: “But I see that you are not like that.” Believe me, you will immediately become “the same” after you give up the second date.
  • Too businesslike. Half of the time that you spend on a date, someone calls him, he decides something. Of course, these can be work issues, however, if the guy could not allocate 2 hours of time to devote to his date, it will only get worse.

The list can be supplemented, but these are the most hopeless cases.

5 types of men to run from without looking back

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