What is charm

I sat on the balcony and enjoyed absorbing the gentle autumn Sochi sun. One could endlessly just sit, breathe, look at the horizon line going […]

Conscious femininity

Awareness is the ability to live in the present moment and be 100% present in it. We can say that awareness is the Mastery of […]


There is a version that in the middle of the 6th century the Macon church council considered a very difficult problem – whether a Woman […]

Does a woman have to work?

This question, despite all its irrelevance in our modern world, still arises. Beliefs, canons and “Vedas” verb that work and woman “live” in parallel universes. […]

I can do everything myself!

This question often comes up during group meetings and personal consultations. Usually it arises exactly after the words that not a single person in this […]