Reading time 7 minutes

“Love lives for three years” – this idea was put forward by a famous French writer in his time. It would seem that long-term marriages are clear evidence of the opposite, but there is still some truth in this saying. Love, harmony in a relationship with a loved one is a fickle value. It has both ups and downs in equal measure. And if feelings began to fade, then how to revive love in the family and return the relationship? How to bring passion back into a relationship, thus reanimating it? And is it worth saving a sinking ship? There are a lot of questions on this topic, but we will try to answer each of them.

There are two things that the ear does not hear for a mile, but whose echo still carries from one end of the earth to the other: this is when a felled tree falls, which is still bearing fruit, and when a woman who loves him sent away by her husband sighs. © Lyon Feuchtwanger

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how to bring back intimacy

Stay or leave?

Something like this sounds the question that every woman asks herself when she comes to the realization that in their relationship with their beloved, everything is not as smooth as we would like. To begin with, think about what price will be required to pay for the returned love, and will it be love?

First of all, you need to understand only one thing – the rescue of drowning people is always a matter for the drowning people themselves. If you see that all your efforts are in vain, then think about it: is there any point in trying to reanimate what is essentially already dead? Because, the maximum that you can count on in such a situation is a complex of guilt towards you, on the part of your beloved. Yes, maybe he will stay close, for some time there may even be romance, but let s be frank – all this will be just an illusion, a kind of surrogate that, no matter how much you want, will not be able to replace true love. When trying to get back in a relationship with your husband, it is very important to know what is what to return.

Understand that sacrifice on your part can only harm you in the first place. If your soul mate demands that you leave work, just because you have little time to be alone, then do not rush to burn the bridges. Think over everything carefully, because perhaps the first bell has sounded now that it is worth reconsidering your relationship in order to see the real situation.

However, as we all perfectly understand, not all relationships can be returned. If of the following facts, you answered at least three in the affirmative, then it is worth putting a bold point in such relations, since it is no longer possible to reanimate them:

  1. Regular cheating – it would seem that the presence of this fact is already a reason to forget a person once and for all. But the reality is that most people (especially women) cherish the hope for a very long time that their partner is about to change his mind, to understand that they are better. A worse option is possible. When a woman, while searching for how to return passion to a relationship, begins to blame herself. So dear ladies, instead of spending your inner strength to forgive the asshole, use them for your own good – find a new one.
  2. Complete lack of shared emotions – we are talking, of course, only about positive, not negative. If a couple has forgotten how to rejoice together, then rest assured that the relationship cannot be saved. Do you know the saying: a friend is known in trouble? So, in relation to the beloved, it also needs to be applied, and if you do not at least share moments of happiness with you, then what can we say about that moment when trouble knocks on the door?
  3. Sleep separately from each other – any advice on how to return passion to a relationship will be useless if partners sleep separately from each other. This situation is often due to the beloved punishment of women. Have you heard of this? “Sleeping on the couch today!” And then a control knock on the bedroom door. Sounds funny, right? But because instead of the desired result of such “re-education” – an apology, you will receive complete apathy towards yourself. So think carefully about whether you need to apply such “inhuman” punishment.
  4. Goodbye trust – regular calls, SMS to a loved one with only one purpose – to find out where he (s) and with whom. This is a pronounced sign of a complete lack of trust in a couple. We are not talking now, that you are just worried, so they called to clarify whether everything is fine. No, we are talking about a strong pressure on your part, which borders on tyranny. So, if you want to return a relationship with your beloved, then finally stop engaging in telephone terrorism! Learn to trust your loved ones!
  5. Communication only through the use of quarrels – sooner or later, due to the large amount of accumulated resentment, omissions, any conversation will take place in a raised voice. Any reason to talk, frankly, is regarded extremely negatively, developing into a quarrel. If a family is not able to conduct an adequate dialogue, then this is no longer a family, but simply a cohabitation of two people.
  6. Only apart – a kind of final alarm that it is time to end the relationship is that it has become more comfortable for you to spend your free time separately from each other. It is much better for you to spend time alone with yourself or with friends than to go somewhere with your beloved. Unfortunately, if this happens, then it is pointless to try to save the situation. Consider this a kind of rejection from each other.

As you can see, all of the above reasons are a clear sign that saving a relationship is simply a waste of time, and most importantly of internal strength. Trying to keep such a Titanic afloat, you simply risk burning out emotionally. Of course, letting go of the person who used to be the whole world for you is very difficult, but sometimes necessary. Understand one simple rule for yourself: if this person is yours, then he will certainly return to you sooner or later.

Operation Save Love has begun!

is it possible to return the relationship

And yet, if you are among the lucky ones who simply have temporary difficulties that need, and most importantly, can be corrected, then you are here. To begin with, it is worth emphasizing that the methods of how to return passion in relationships for men and women are radically different. What a woman can use to kindle a fire in a relationship is rare, when she can give even a small spark in the performance of a man. For this reason, the advice of a psychologist on how to return a family will be divided into two blocks: separately for men, and separately for women.

Recommendations for women

If you have to improve relations with your man, then you need to remember one simple thing – absolutely all men are materialists. The chance that they are somehow affected by conversations or requests is minimal. And if, nevertheless, they even take action, then for a very short period of time. So if you want to get the well-deserved result of your efforts, it will be very effective to apply the following tips to life:

is it possible to return passion to a relationship

  1. More touches – wanting to restore relations with their husbands, most women try to follow too sophisticated advice and practices, forgetting that with men, the simpler tactics will be the best. So rule number 1 – hug your loved one, thus expressing your concern, as well as showing tenderness. However, there is one caveat – choosing the right time for a hug. If you see that the guy is not in tune for any tactile contact, then you should not walk behind him, trying to impose your touches. True, you don t need to overdo it either, because there is a chance that you will be christened an octopus.
  2. Give gifts – not only the fair sex love to be pampered with gifts. No matter how they tell you that this is superfluous, that it does not matter to him at all – do not listen. Exactly the same words are said by girls to guys, and then they still get offended because he listened to her and did not give anything. This way of bringing passion back into a relationship is very effective. The truth needs to be clarified. The gift must be desired, as well as one that could be used on a daily basis. The ideal option would be a watch or, if your boyfriend smokes, an expensive lighter. It is better not to give socks.
  3. Help – necessarily sincere, and most importantly disinterested. In no case, you can not put the terms of an agreement with your husband: they say you to me, and I to you. Only pure altruism. Nobody tells you to do the impossible, but agree, it costs nothing if you see that your half is tired at work, cook a delicious dinner, and then have a relaxing massage without commitments before bedtime? Or, for example, during the repair of the car, bring him a small lunch. True love, care and tenderness are always shown in such little things.
  4. Support – in order to revive love in the family, it is very important to become a full-fledged support for your husband. Problems at work, conflict with friends – all this is so exhausting that even like a wolf howl. A loving wife, at such moments, does not play the role of a saw, which once again reminds him of this, but simply stays close, saying encouraging words, showered with care more than usual.
  5. Be on the same wavelength – Does your spouse love fishing? It s time to get interested in her. Of course, you should not run headlong for tackle or spinning, but it is still worth showing interest in his hobbies. Start a conversation about his hobbies, ask him to explain certain points. It is important to show sincere interest during the conversation, because if a man sees that you have started a dialogue purely out of politeness, resentment is guaranteed.

This is how the current advice looks for women who think not only about how to return passion to a relationship, but want to return harmony with understanding to their personal life. There is no order of their application. You need to be guided by the situation, excluding something for a while, and combining something. But one thing is for sure – the result will pleasantly surprise you.

How to bring a wife back to the family: a guide for dummies

how to get my husband back

  1. The situation is completely opposite in men. The fact is that if you managed to make your spouse stop all attempts to return harmony to your relationship, then there are only two options: she is either very offended at you, or is already looking for a way to poison you (just kidding). The problem for most men is only that you want to start saving a relationship when there is nothing special to save, but it is still possible. In your case, there is only one option – show your love. Yes exactly. Start caring for your wife or girlfriend again, making her feel beautiful again, and most importantly desirable.
  2. Start giving flowers not only on March 8 and your birthday – give them for no reason. See how tired she is after work? Prepare dinner (even if it is pasta and sausages), wash the dishes and put them to bed. The main thing is to be attentive, caring always, and not only then will the mood be. Start complimenting her eventually! Or did no one tell you that women love with their ears?
  3. Let s just be honest: if you don t start thinking about how to return passion to a relationship, then believe me – another man will do it. The world has not converged on you like a wedge, which means there is a great chance that there is a man nearby who clearly appreciates your girlfriend more, showing all that care along with tenderness that you probably forgot about. You will see: as soon as a sincere gamut of tender feelings is shown on your part, the answer from the outside will not be long in coming. You will even be pleasantly surprised by the fact that the wife can be not only a grumpy shrew who is always unhappy with everything, but can also be affectionate, understanding. Initially, it all depends on your attitude towards her. Be sure your wife s behavior is a mirror image of your relationship with her.

Summing up all of the above, I want to say only one thing: love each other. Do not hide your feelings, being embarrassed or afraid of ridicule from the outside. The manifestation of your true feelings, a normal phenomenon, which is necessary for the person dear to you to know that everything is in order with you. Remember that caring is the true expression of love.

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