The first meeting and even a short period of time spent together do not give a complete picture of the essence of a person s character. But almost every woman can fall in love at first sight, the first meeting.

How should a woman behave who has fallen in love with an introverted man? How to keep the relationship warm with these “cold icebergs”, without disturbing their shaky inner world, and at the same time find happiness or even build a family?

Psychological picture

Introverts are not adept at showing their feelings. To some, not very observant, it may even seem that such a person is completely deprived of them. However, in fact, external calmness, impartiality and indifference simply mean that the emotional component of their psyche is very developed and all experiences are much deeper and hidden from ordinary views.

When creating a psychological portrait of an introvert man, first of all, you need to highlight him stability in relationships, reticence and listening skills. He is conservative, secretive, does not immediately allow a woman to approach his personal space, as if testing her for strength. Such men, as a rule, do not recognize the concept of “candy-bouquet period” in a relationship, slowly presenting the chosen one with gifts and tenderness. Rather, on the contrary, only over time, if trust develops in the relationship, does the introvert become more friendly and allows the woman to become a part of his life.

Such a man cannot be called a talker or a windbag. He always keeps all his promises, is not prone to deception and does not like being lied to. Laconic. Even in a trusting relationship, long conversations, he prefers joint activities without wasting words.

Secretive man

Secrets of a Happy Relationship

An introverted man does not like noisy companies, preferring to spend time alone with his beloved woman. It is at such moments of solitude that a representative of the fair sex can study the vulnerable soul of such a man and pick up the cherished key to his heart.

But, even being in love and completely trusting his chosen one, he always has his own inner world, which belongs only to him… Introverts are very reluctant to share their experiences, emotions and feelings, even with the closest people. However, this does not mean at all that they do not know how to love. This is not true. Many introverts are generally monogamous and carry feelings for one woman throughout their lives. It s just that their love is expressed not in loud words, but in silent care, loyalty and honesty.

An introvert does not like very much when he is asked questions about his feelings, for example: “Do you love me?”, “Do you feel good with me?”, “Do you think we will always be together?” and others. As a rule, he answers them with silence. But this is not at all a sign of disrespect or lack of feelings. It s just a character trait. Do not question the man – and you will be comfortable together.

An introvert woman must learn to “read by the eyes”, because sometimes, not wanting to throw out hot declarations of love, this man can so warm with a look that you will not have any doubts about his feelings. It s just that a person of this psychological type does not seek to notify everyone and everyone about his love, he keeps his feelings and proves them by deed only to his beloved woman. And this is much better than empty words about unearthly love and unrealizable promises to get stars from the sky. There is nothing better for a woman when there is a man nearby who can turn life into a fairy tale with a happy ending without words.

Introverts do not like to be criticized, responding with a long and stubborn silence to any reproaches from a woman. It is very difficult to convince them or impose their point of view. Do not recognize “patterns” in relationships. Phrases like “you shouldn t look at others”, “you should have called”, etc. cause them irritation, since such a man believes that he should not prove anything to anyone, therefore, he does not consider it necessary to follow the generally accepted norms.

You should not control the actions of a man of this type, at least openly. He perceives such actions as betrayal, because the woman thus demonstrates her distrust of him, which means she doubts his love. In this case, a vulnerable introvert may withdraw into himself and never again let such a suspicious lady get so close to him.

The habits of the introverted man

Extravagance is alien to such a man. He is restrained in everything. This applies to both emotions and clothing style. Introverts are sometimes very slow. But this is not due to laziness, but to regularity and thoroughness. You should not try to rush him, because he always keeps everything under control. And even if you are terribly annoyed that, for example, he picks up socks for a suit for a very long time or brushes his teeth for 10 minutes, be sure that it is better to remain silent. After all, he has every step calculated, and interference in his usual course of life can turn out to be more upsetting for you than a long wait.

An introvert s faithful companion is loneliness.… Even when his heart is filled with love, he must communicate with himself from time to time. Wanting to spend his whole life next to a woman, he remains his best friend. He does not need noisy parties, night discos and “mass festivities”, he prefers quiet evenings with his beloved woman. The most that he can go for the sake of a woman is rare spiritual meetings with a couple of friends. A large number of people act depressingly on him, he gets irritated and can completely close in his “shell”.

The characteristic qualities of a person also include practicality, prudence, and frugality. So, buying a bouquet of flowers seems almost absurd to him, because the flowers will wither. An introvert would rather give a potted houseplant than a basket of roses. And he himself does not like useless gifts, and if you have a common budget, he may even scold for squandering if he receives some impractical thing or an expensive trinket as a gift.

As for intimate life, here too the introvert behaves quite restrained. He prefers a set of poses and does not really like it when a woman is dominant. Too domineering behavior of a partner can push him away, so passionate natures will have to adjust to the phlegmatic introvert.

Despite all these aspects of the character of introverts, they are the most reliable, loyal and caring husbands, who then perfectly cope with the role of a father, taking a responsible approach to raising children. And their silent support and strong shoulder are a guarantee that a woman is really “behind her husband, like behind a stone wall!”.

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