
#one. Gender stereotypes in the family

# 2. Family stereotypes

# 3. Stereotypes about relationships and gender

#four. Gender roles and stereotypes of family relations

Feelings and emotions govern interpersonal relationships within the framework of social clichйs and stereotypes in relationships. For example, each company or culture has its own understanding of the methods of communication, the degree of affability and friendliness, as well as other similar aspects of the relationship. However, the social stereotype and pattern usually does not have a very rigid framework. This means that a certain freedom in a relationship necessarily exists. Of course, certain boundaries play the role of social distance. But it is in range. And a person can choose the type of communication himself, which is the expression of interpersonal relationships. Since there is an emotional stereotype of managing interpersonal relationships, the feelings and emotions of both parties are taken into account. The leader in interpersonal relationships gets the planned result. Usually lazy and passive people will face the fate of the relationships set by active partners.

Gender stereotypes in the family

Relationship stereotypes - photo 1Differences in behavior and perception lead to the division of people into men and women. This is the primary gender dimension. A man or a woman demonstrates behavior that is very dependent on the rules and stereotypes of interpersonal relations that are established by society. A certain stereotype presupposes playing a corresponding role. A role is a set of social or cultural hopes for the actions and actions of an individual in a particular situation. Gender role is a system of gender stereotypes in society, which must correspond to a person in order to recognize belonging to a particular gender. There are rules and gender stereotypes:

  • only for men;
  • only for women;
  • for both sexes.

But sometimes the female sex is condemned for following male norms. For example, when women give preference to pursuing a career, neglecting their main role in the family. After all, the main gender role of a woman is the keeper of family relations and the hearth. And the choice not in favor of the family is naturally condemned. With regard to the gender role and stereotype of men, this may refer to physical strength, “iron” health and a high level of income. However, this is not always the case. Men also get sick, they can not earn very much money. But they do not cease to be men, they demand respect and love for themselves. Often, the consciousness of the environment is influenced by gender stereotypes without realizing it. But it happens that for a person the recognition and approval of the society is most important, and he is ready to adjust to certain gender stereotypes. This can provide a comfortable living environment, but this constant adherence to gender stereotypes limits the development of both sexes.

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The family is a territory in which men and women are obliged to coexist, like two halves, to understand and support each other in everything. Family relationships most vividly reflect gender ties, which imply certain roles in the family.

Family stereotypes

Our existence determines a different attitude towards the stereotypes that surround us everywhere. And even the most resistant to suggestions people often fall under their influence. And without realizing it, they transfer negative manifestations to the environment and family. But the destructive stereotype that destroys the family can be defeated.

Consider a few stereotypes about the family.

  • The husband plays the role of the earner of money, and the wife plays the role of the beauty. Such a situation presupposes the constant finding of the family breadwinner at work, while the wife at this time lives for her own pleasure and only does what she likes. But since everyone is planning and dreaming about something that requires mutual efforts, then everything must be done together.
  • There are no scandals in an ideal family. Such a family idyll of relationships simply does not exist. Accumulated and latent grievances caused by the behavior of a family member can subsequently destroy family ties. Rare quarrels are acceptable.
  • He who loves does not see the flaws in a loved one. This family myth of relationships is imposed by romantic publications and social media. This motto is only for a married couple from a fairy tale. But in reality, everything is different.
  • Children should get the best of what comes to the family. This family principle of relationships has ruined many marriages. Giving all the best to their children, spouses, forgetting about their needs, kill the family. It is better to show your child by your example of family values ??what love and care should be in a happy family.

There are stereotypes mainly in the family, whose members are influenced by public opinion. And they spoil existence. And for the family to live happily, you need to get rid of such influence.

Stereotypes about relationships and gender

The interpersonal stereotype, as well as gender and family relations, is an adaptive mechanism that allows you to react with great speed and efficiency in an unfamiliar environment and new conditions. The role of stereotypes is twofold. Sometimes they can even help. But more often they interfere. Since they were formed a very long time ago, they cannot be adequately applied in modern times. For example, in a situation where women dream and write on forums about their desire for self-realization, there are always “benevolent” commentators. They write that she is assigned the role of a loving, caring wife and mother in the family. Both gender and family stereotypes can take place here. After all, family stereotypes and gender stereotypes are interconnected.

Gender originality is due to the female desire for long-term strong relationships. The female gender is ideal for the role of the creator of the family. The stereotypes of the behavior of men and women in society are very different. The male sex wants to play for a longer time the role of the seducer of a large number of women. This reflects the evolutionary female role. With the help of her traditionalism, conservatism, family strong relations are preserved. After all, there is a gender difference in genetic roles. The role of males is to be responsible for improving the life of populations. And to preserve knowledge about the interaction between family members is the role of the female. But apart from this, men must play the role of protectors.

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Another gender stereotype states that men prefer sex and women prefer feelings. This is another gender difference. But the genders often change roles.

And the gender stereotype that men are stronger than women is generally losing ground. There is no dispute that women should not be in the role of a traction horse. But they also do not require guardianship and control on a universal scale. The role of physical strength in our time under conditions of natural selection tends to decrease. And the importance of the role of status and financial position is increasing. The modern woman is assigned the role of a financially independent representative of humanity. This means that such gender stereotypes of behavior are not entirely relevant.

Such gender statements and stereotypes, as soon as men should be leaders and women cannot cope with technology, are also gradually losing their relevance in our time. The role of an excellent leader has long been on the shoulder of most women. They may even be in the role of president or chancellor. And most women can use equipment and understand instructions just as well as men.

Gender roles and stereotypes of family relations

Consider gender roles and gender stereotypes in the family:Relationship stereotypes - photo 2

  • the role of the head of the family belongs to the man – in reality it can be argued that this is half true;
  • the majority of males believe that they should take on the role of the head – but here, too, everything is not quite so, some women are not satisfied with this;
  • predominantly a woman should take on the role of educator of children – this gender stereotype in the family has been working for a very long time;
  • they also see mainly a woman in the role of mistress of the house, such a family code of relations suits many;
  • By distributing gender roles among spouses, the majority of people of age and with children choose women for the role of housewife, and men should play the role of earner of money and protector;
  • however, more educated people do not see anything bad when a representative of the stronger sex acts as a householder, here the gender factor does not play a role;
  • in Western countries, gender roles have more blurred boundaries, there is not much difference between who earns and who does the household;
  • gender roles in the CIS countries are distributed slightly differently, for most men it is easier and more prestigious to play the roles of earner and protector;
  • but the role of the cook and manager of the kitchen is mostly given to women, although many men cook well;
  • rural residents and older people are more inclined to distribute gender roles in this way;
  • gender stereotypes in the family among young people are less relevant, for them the gender factor for family behavior becomes less influential;
  • men believe that women should not be told how to spend their leisure time, but this is accepted by most women;
  • and also the gender factor is visible in the situation with the free time of women, many consider it unacceptable to neglect household responsibilities in favor of their own affairs;
  • high support of the older generations and the less well-off population belongs to the statement with a gender connotation about the inadmissibility of burdening men with household responsibilities;

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But it is encouraging that an increase in the level of education reduces the role of gender distribution of responsibilities. By getting to know yourself and others, you can improve your life, relationships and get any negative stereotype out of the way. The specialists of the Center are ready to help you understand these aspects.

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