Can you imagine a world without a kiss? How much happiness and joy lies in him, can you forget your first kiss with your loved one? What could be more tender and affectionate than a mother s kiss as a child? Memories of such moments go with a person throughout his life and warm the heart, in the most difficult times.

Probably every woman believes that there can be no relationship without kissing. After all, there is nothing more gentle and romantic than a kiss with your beloved. And everyone wants to know why men so often avoid kissing, what they don t like and how to change it.

Kisses are in any relationship between a man and a woman, be it a fleeting romance or a long family life. The kiss itself occurs when the caviar of passion slips between them, it is she who makes people forget about the whole world and focus only on this moment of life, the first kiss is born. Further women want more, but men do not need it. This is due to male psychology and no one can change this, it has been verified by experience.

Why do you need a kiss?

In our life the kiss plays a pretty significant role… People are ready to give their kisses only to the most dear and close people. It is a kiss that can be considered the most sincere manifestation of feelings for another person. For a female, kissing is an integral part of a relationship; men treat them in the completely opposite way. Quite often, in the absence of kisses from a man, women begin to think that a man has stopped loving them, has found another.

We must understand that men and women look at the same things differently, it is this opposition that causes attraction between the sexes. And if a man sometimes doesn’t want to kiss, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you anymore, it’s inherent in him at the level of instincts, we must take everything for granted and not focus our attention on it. Although the constant absence of kissing in a relationship is already a serious signal, it means that there is a problem.

How the lack of kissing affects women

When a woman realizes that her man no longer kisses her as often as before, she loses her calm. Some consider themselves guilty that the man has cooled in feelings. In fact, the problem is precisely in the person who is callous to his soul mate, it is he who has some problems, perhaps of a psychological nature.
All psychologists agree that a kiss is the most important expression of a person s emotions… Therefore, if a person does not want to kiss, perhaps he is not yet ready, sufficiently, to open up to someone. It means that there can be no question of any serious feelings in such a situation.

Only a truly loving man can give his kisses to a woman without forcing himself to do so. Such a desire arises in him on its own, he wants to be next to her, hug, caress, kiss.

As quite a lot of experience shows, men who constantly avoid kissing their woman, in most cases, are indifferent to her. These men do not see the only one next to them, even being married, they are constantly looking for something new. Although it sounds harsh, a man who has already achieved a woman loses interest in her, becomes colder and colder. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to change the current state of affairs, such men do not change.

Quite often, a woman in such a relationship tries to fix everything, change her man. But in the end result it begins to be burdened with a feeling of dissatisfaction, the severity of which is difficult to feel in words.

All this can very quickly turn a beautiful, successful and self-confident girl into a woman who is not self-confident and full of complexes, who has lost all meaning in life. There is very little good in all this, such a relationship will not lead to anything good, it is better to end them as soon as possible.

What men themselves think of kissing

For men, a kiss is more of a kind of prelude before the subsequent sexual intercourse. In a man s thoughts, everything goes in its own order: kiss, touch, sex. Based on this, if a man does not want sex, you should not expect affection, tenderness, and even more kisses from him.

The lack of kissing does not always mean that a man is too callous towards a woman. It so happens that this perception of relationships goes far into his childhood, he adopts the mistakes of his parents. Perhaps he never saw, between his mom and dad, displays of tender feelings and this left a strong imprint on him.

Before making any decision, you need to understand what is the real reason for the lack of desire for a kiss on the part of a man. Maybe it s callousness or complexes. Only by penetrating into the heart of your beloved and understanding his problem is it worth deciding what to do next. And is it necessary to fight for such a relationship.

If, after finding out the reasons for such a cold relationship, the desire to fight for your relationship has not disappeared, then you should start with yourself. The first thing to do is to sit quietly and look at your reflection in the mirror. Is there in this reflection that beautiful and well-groomed woman that your boyfriend or husband once fell in love with? Even despite constant fatigue and problems at work, any self-respecting girl should look good. Neither family, nor work, nor other problems can be an excuse for a woman s unkempt appearance. Such a harsh female lot, the attention of a man must be earned. Going shopping and buying new sexy lingerie will help with this difficult task. You just need to go to your favorite salon, do something new, such as a new haircut, or maybe just change the color of your hair. Thanks to such actions, something new will penetrate into your relationship, new emotions will appear. For men, all this is of great interest, sexual attraction will reappear, perhaps he will be able to liberate himself, and then you just need to avoid the mistakes made earlier, which brought the relationship to a dead end.

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