Is there a relationship built on love, and can this love last forever, or is it a battle after all?

The contact of two worlds, two worldviews, the search for the main and “henpecked”, disputes and conflicts, and sometimes vice versa, just coexistence in a space called living space
I guess many have experienced similar experiences and have thought about the above.

Relationships, and how to be happy in them, is a very popular topic in our time, but this is not taught at school, it is not taught at the institute. We learn this science ourselves, from our own experience, from our mistakes, most often we take as a basis the scheme of the relationship of our parents, whether we like it or not, but it is still unconsciously stitched into us. And more often than not, we either start from it or strive for it, but it still determines our current pattern of behavior. The unconscious rules – whether we want it or not.

My wife and I are two psychologists who came to each other after having learned the experience of relationships, someone once, someone did not stop there. And as you understand all our relations at the time of the meeting ended, we got experience. The experience of trying to create, to lose, the experience of love, falling in love, loss and separation, betrayal and disappointment, happiness and pleasure. There was a lot, but one thing for all this – that all relations ended and we parted with our partners.

And already having met. With some experience behind us, we decided not to take risks and agreed that if we go into relations with each other, then only for today. We said to each other: “let s be together today, and tomorrow we ll decide what s next …”

As it turned out, this helped us a lot, and looking ahead I will say that we have been together for 12 years and for me this is the longest relationship in my life and what I especially like is that I do not intend to end it …

… I ll digress a little and try to explain what exactly I want to convey to you …

We are a couple of psychologists who build their relationships at the same time and observe what is happening, on the examples of our inner experiences, on the examples of our disputes, trainings are born, exercises that help us to experience difficult moments in our life, moments of unity and pleasure are born, and all this develops into articles, exercises, trainings.

This is what we will share with you on the pages of this channel, our website, groups on Instagram, Facebook … and in the near future, we will also add a youtube channel …. Choose what is convenient for you.

And we invite you to join the community of happy people who love themselves, surround themselves with the same loving hearts.
Who know how to find ways to overcome difficult times, conflicts, quarrels … who know how to be together, can and want to love and be loved.

Couples who create harmonious families, give birth to beloved children, benefit this world and simply enjoy what they do and bring to the world.

So the topic of relationships
Let s continue.
By the way, I think that the topic is so multifaceted that I have an idea to break it down into topics, divide it into categories that are important for each of us.

And we will definitely need your help, please, write in the comments what topics, questions are more relevant to you, what attracts most attention, what is most interesting to figure out right now.

The fact is that we already have a lot of material, and a lot of this has already been written, but even more raw material, so to speak unreleased, and all this is just waiting for your attention, let us know what you are interested in and give us the opportunity to help you find the best solutions …

After all, each of us wants to receive love, respect, support and care. From friends or loved ones, from a wife or husband, to figure out what hinders this and already just become happy, well, or whoever you want to feel in a relationship …

And the topic of relationships is very conducive to this.

All the best, Lyudmila and Alexey

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